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Tablao Flamenco Bylaws



Article I: Name


The name of this organization shall be Tablao Flamenco.


Article II: Purpose


Tablao Flamenco promotes the art and culture of flamenco at the University of Chicago by:

-teaching the basic techniques and expressions of flamenco dancing, including compas (rhythm), palmas (hand clapping), zapateo (tapping/stamping/footwork), and marcajes (marking steps);

-coordinating workshops with experienced flamenco dancers from the Chicago area and abroad; and

-organizing performances in order to share the wonders of flamenco with the greater University community.


Article III: Field of Membership


Section 1. Membership is open to anyone wishing to pursue flamenco training.

Section 2. Even though Tablao Flamenco classes are open to anyone at any time, the participation of University students, alumni, staff, and faculty, as well as members of the Hyde Park community, is especially encouraged.

Section 3. Active members are those who attend a combination of at least 5 classes, workshops, and/or master classes per quarter and perform with Tablao Flamenco at least once per year.

Section 4. Voting membership is limited to active members who are currently registered University of Chicago students.


Article IV: Officers


Section 1. Office titles shall be Director, Treasurer, and, as necessary, Teaching Coordinator, Performance Coordinator, and/or Publicity Coordinator.

Section 2. All officers must be voting members of Tablao Flamenco. Officers must be currently registered students at the University of Chicago.

Section 3. Officers hold their positions for a year, from June to June. There is no limit on the number of terms an officer can remain in office.

Section 4. The duties of the officers are as follows:

Director: Oversees the coordination of classes, workshops, and performances; leads officer meetings; and serves as the primary link between Tablao Flamenco and the University administration.

Treasurer: Handles and tracks funds, coordinates fundraisers, and assists the Director in any of his/her capacities.

As necessary, the following offices shall also be elected:

Teaching Coordinator: Takes the lead in setting each week s curriculum, reserves a space for weekly classes, and arranges the teaching schedule.

Performance Coordinator: Reserves spaces and arranges schedules for rehearsals and performances, oversees the acquisition of costumes, and takes the lead in coordinating performances, including managing shows and contacting other RSOs and local dancers/musicians as necessary.

Publicity Coordinator: Organizes publicity campaigns for classes, workshops, and performances. Manages Tablao Flamenco s website and listhost.

Section 5. Officers will be nominated and elected prior to the eighth week of the spring quarter. Once elected, new officers will work with outgoing officers and attend officer meetings in order to learn about and smoothly transition into their new positions.

Section 6: Officers may be removed from office through a majority vote by the other members of the office board.

Section 7: Offices in addition to those listed in Section 4 of this article may be appointed by a majority of the office board at any point throughout the year when deemed necessary.


Article V: Elections


Section 1: All voting members as defined in Article III, Section IV, may elect officers at the end of the academic year. Elections will be held prior to the eighth week of the spring quarter and conducted in person by secret ballot at a designated time and location made known ahead of time to all members.

Section 2: Two voting members may be elected to the same office as necessary.

Section 3: A single voting member may be elected to multiple offices as necessary.


Article VI: Handling of Funds


Section 1. All funds collected will be deposited in Tablao Flamenco s ORCSA account.

Section 2. The Treasurer shall be the primary officer designated to handle organization finances.


Article VII: Amendments


Section 1. Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the officer board.

Section 2. Amendment proposals must be emailed to the officer board and circulated among all members for at least one week before a vote is called.



email: flamenco.uchicago@gmail.com  |  join our UofC listhost: https://lists.uchicago.edu/web/info/flamenco  |  join our facebook group